本周一,台湾Ultimax-Gaming(简称UMX-Gaming)俱乐部宣布成立UMX.us美国分队,将原Ruins主力成员Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd、Ric “iNERTiA” Bundy、Ricky “sLip” Cohen、Kyle “flowsicK” Mendez以及Chris “TRULS” Navratil招至旗下。UMX-Gaming将与这些小伙子签约一年并在美国加州设立了舒适的训练基地,同时提供ZOWIE GEAR全套外设产品。但是对于亚洲玩家来说,我们所熟悉的北美战队仅仅限于Evil Geniuses和compLexity,而对于这些新生代知之甚少。为此,cnFrag.com对UMX.us经理David “DchozN” Cho进行了深入采访。
作者 – Sammy|cnFrag.com(美)
我的名字叫David “DchozN” Cho,初次接触电竞是16岁时作为一名视频制作人,打那时起就一发而不可收拾。之前我都是为Team 3D工作,这支美国大牌队伍带我去了很多地方。现如今我即将大学毕业,成为了UMX美国分队的经理。我的主要职责是每天队伍的行动安排,这意味着要和UMX.us的队长Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd协调好,确保他们每天按时训练,以及维护并及时更新我们的网站http://UMX-Gaming.com/usa,还要为大赛订机票和很多幕后琐碎的事情。今年夏天我毕业后,我就会搬到加州Riverside郡的Corona,在UMX.us训练基地和他们住在一起。

David 'DchozN' Cho
在compLexity决定解散北美分队之后,Evil Geniuses成为美国唯一一支拥有全额赞助的队伍,那么为什么UMX还要成立美国分队?
北美社区还是有很多CS1.6的死忠的,“灭亡”只是一些人的叫法而已。大家没有放弃这款游戏的主要原因简单明了——就是喜爱,而为数不多的赞助商还是为UMX.us这样的队伍敞开了大门。跟一般人想的不一样的是,北美依旧是人才辈出,这要感谢ESEA和ESFI的努力。像UMX.us的Ricky “sLip” Cohen,效力于DINC的pauLy,甚至是效力于ttb只有14岁的Swag都是个中翘楚。我们的社区正在逐渐恢复生机,我认为赞助商还有媒体也在逐渐地回归,UMX.us就是这样看到了属于自己的机遇。
看得出UMX.us的选手们来自多支队伍,Ruins,the Dons,underestimated,为什么会选择这些选手?

首先是我们的队长Dustin “dizzaman”Dilyerd,照片中那个很大只的就是他。作为队长,他负责战术的制订,临场的随机应变,制订训练计划。他是我见过的最谦虚、最有亲和力的选手之一,同时又是非常饥渴和激情的选手。与很多不出名的选手一样,他在UMX.us得到了自己的机会,在我看来,他让队伍每天不断地大步向前。
接下来是Chris “TRULS” Navratil,他们在一起玩了超过五年的时间,是队伍的中坚力量,这些来自密苏里的小伙子们一起长大,可以在LAN比赛中一起成长,而现在他们则来到了同一个屋檐下。他们之间是非常好的朋友,一起走了这么长的路。职业选手们都知道,奖金和旅行固然很好,友谊却比那几个钱更值得拥有。
第三个是Ricky “sLip” Cohen,是最年轻的枪手。这娃最近进步神速,每天是一个跃升。在我看来,sLip就是下一个n0thing,他是每一个美国,欧洲和亚洲队伍要注意的对象,小心这娃。
接着就是年纪最大的Ric “iNERTiA” Bundy,他是队中的大哥级人物,很高兴他能加入我们,他的经验,责任心,奉献精神,都对我们大有帮助。用中国人的观点来看,就是天禄和wNv的alex影响力一样。虽然dizzaman是队长,iNERTiA应该就是队伍的精神领袖。就我个人来看,如果没有其他人,他自己的作用也不会表现得这么明显。
最后是Kyle “flowsicK” Mendez,和TRULS、Dizzaman一样,他已经出名很久了,他之前的队伍让EG很头疼。如果他状态来了,就势不可当。聪明而冷静是他的写照,不过他在游戏中可以随时爆发。
确实有不少队伍换人,不过像EG、Backfire、Area 51、DINCNESS、Revolution Sports都保留了绝大部分的阵容。UMX.us的打算也很长远,当我们遭受挫折,反而是我们前进的动力,这才是一个队伍正确的处理方法,这样才能进步。所以未来一年,这五人阵容不会有什么变化。

既然ZOWIE GEAR已经赞助了UMX,你们有没有换好装备呢?
Ultimax Gaming计划成长为更加庞大的主流电竞俱乐部,现在我还不能透露详情。
我个人觉得中国电竞社区是最有激情的。我看过TyLoo的比赛,选手们各种叫和吼,非常震撼。另外,明星选手来到中国总是被各种簇拥,无论是Grubby对阵Sky,还是3D中国行。谢谢你们支持电竞!在此,我谨代表UMX.us感谢ZOWIE GEAR的赞助,详情请点击http://UMX-Gaming.com/usa
Hey David, let’s start off by introducing yourself and describe what kind of works you will be doing as the manager of UMX.
My name is David “DchozN” Cho and I’ve started out in the electronic sports industry at the age of 16 by working as a video editor and never looked back since. I predominantly worked for Team 3D, one of the biggest North American e-sports brands to ever be conceived, and it took me to many places.
Fast forward to today where I’m finishing up college and now the manager of Ultimax Gaming USA. My responsibilities include general day to day operations of the team. This means coordinating with UMX.US Team Leader, Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd and making sure they’re on point and on schedule, maintaining and updating our website (http://UMX-Gaming.com/usa), booking airline tickets for events, and so many other small, behind the scenes tasks. I’ll be joining with the team in our UMX.US house located in Corona, California by Riverside County to live and manage them face to face after I graduate from college this early summer.
You have always been one of the top moviemakers in the world, but now you are taking a management role. Are there any challenges so far from your new work?
When I did a lot of frag movies (and I still produce them) as primarily a video editor I’ve integrated marketing elements into such productions such as unique graphics that promoted sponsors. Almost all of my productions were always used as a key marketing tool to obtain hundreds of thousands of views. In doing so I coordinated with managers and marketing represenatives while also actually editing the movie itself. So in other words when I made frag movies it wasn’t a simple case of throwing clips together but really an exercise towards what I am doing right now as the UMX.US manager. From marketing, handling various contacts, meeting deadlines, making sure everything is in tip top shape, all these different elements have been obtained over the years to help fine tune my skills to now apply them to a primary managerial role today.
After compLexity decided to disband their North American squad, EG became the only fully sponsored in the States. What is the reason for UMX to create a fresh U.S line-up?
The North American community and its fans and followers are still dedicated to Counter-Strike 1.6. This game ceases to “die” as some people choose to call it. Main reason why is many from this region still love this game, plain and simple. With that said there’s plenty of value in this community and with the exit of some sponsors from this community it simply opened the door for someone like UMX.US to step in and take charge.
Contrary to popular belief there are new talent rising from North America and there will always be followers thanks to rising news sites such as ESEA News, ESFI world and more. Players like UMX.US’ Ricky “sLip” Cohen, DINC’s pauLy or even the 14 year old Swag, formerly of ttb, are just some of the young guns so to speak. Our community is still in a re-building stage but so far I think from the actual talent pool, the media, and, yes, sponsors are being brought back up slowly but surely. UMX.US saw this and took it as their own opportunity.
The new UMX squad consists of players who we last seen from a number of different teams like Ruins, the Dons and underestimated. What was some of the criteria for the organization to choose their players?
Many, many lineups and existing teams were considered for UMX.US initially. At the end of the day, however, the current 5 guys in Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd, Ric “iNERTiA” Bundy, Ricky “sLip” Cohen, Kyle “flowsicK” Mendez and Chris “TRULS” Navratil are the perfect fit for UMX.US. They posses the most passion and dedication from all of the others. There’s not many who are willing to live and train together under the same roof for an entire year. These guys are. They’ll be training day in, day out and learning and growing together as a team for the long haul. This was the vision of UMX.US and these guys, again, fulfilled that perfectly.
What is the team atmosphere like among the new UMX players? Are they meshing well playing together?
So far it’s been 3 weeks since the UMX.US players have moved in and there are honestly 0 issues both in and out of the game and it will most likely stay that way. Yes, I will concede that problems, mostly in-game (i.e. strategy), arose but these are 5 men at the end of the day. They talk any conflict over and resolve them as adults should. Living under the same roof is definitely a priveledge and not an honor so with that said UMX.US is looking to make the most of it and to earn it every single day. Being presented with something like this only comes once in any professional gamer’s career and they understand that and are mindful of that fact as they train each day while growing together as a team.
Since most of the players in UMX.us are unknown to the Chinese fans, would you give a brief introduction to each of the players? What role does each of them play on the team?
Absolutely, and would love to let more Chinese e-sports fans get familiar with these guys. First off is our team leader Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd. He’s the huge, tall guy in our team photo. we sent out in our UMX.US Press Release to over 10 of the biggest e-sports news sites out there. As the leader he is responsible for developing strategies of the team and calling them in-game while scheduling the usual practice scrims between matches. He’s one of the most humble and communicative players I have dealt with and is a true, hungry and passionate player. Like many underdog players he’s the one who finally has gotten “his chance” in UMX.US and is spearheading it every single day from what I’ve seen as the manager.
Next up is his teammate Chris “TRULS” Navratil. Both of these gentlemen have played with each other for the better part of the last half decade. They are the core and backbone of this team. Growing up near each other in Missouri allowed them to compete in local LAN tournaments in their area and now they find themselves under the same roof. They’re both great, personal friends and that goes a long way after their careers in e-sports eventually come to a close. Most top players understand that while the prize money and travelling is great, it’s another thing to develop solid friendships that can last much more than some little bit of money.
Third we have Ricky “sLip” Cohen who is the young gunner as I’ve said. This kid has really turned some heads recently and is growing every single day into a better and stronger player than he is already. sLip is going to be the next “n0thing” in my eyes. He’s one to watch out for no matter if you’re in the USA, Europe or China. Watch out for this kid.
Now we move on to the oldest member of UMX.US, Ric “iNERTiA” Bundy. He is the bonafide veteran of this team and very fortunate that he is part of this lineup. His experience, work ethic and not to mention his dedication brings so much to help bolster this team. For you Chinese readers out there I would say he’s the “Alex”, from Tyloo and wNv, of this team. While dizzaman may be the leader of this team, iNERTiA, in my eyes, is the moral compass, the conscience or the real facilitator of UMX.US. Not many players can bring what he has brought yet it can’t be noticed in some HLTV server or a demo. Yet, from my personal opinions about his character, iNERTiA wouldn’t have it any other way and the same goes for all of these guys.
Lastly we have Kyle “flowsicK” Mendez. Much like TRULS and Dizzaman he’s been competing in the North American scene for awhile now. He’s been part of previous lineups that have upset the likes of Evil Geniuses at LAN tournaments. When he’s on fire, he can burn out cinders. Very level headed and calm represents his personality. But in-game he can explode at any given point of time.
What is the practice schedule like for the new team? What kind of things they normally do outside of practice?
Their practice schedule is rigorous which it should be given the circumstances. This is their job and the players treat it as such. From Monday to Friday they practice 6-8 hours each day. On the weekends they are required to clean the house and just relax. In their spare time the players typically hit the gym together and workout. While practice and becoming a better team in-game is always important, Ultimax Gaming also wants its players in healthy shape. Being actively fit is just as important as being in great shape in-game as well. So with that said the UMX.US playesr take their workout seriously.
The new UMX team is currently 8-4 in ESEA-Invite after suffering two close losses to Area51 and rSports. What happened there? Do you think team needs more time to get familiar with each other?
This week of ESEA Invite was simply a bad week for UMX.US. We make no excuses really and have only ourselves to blame. Both teams played better and tip my hat to them to give credit where credit is due. UMX.US prepared as best as they could and simply fell short not once, but twice. The players know what they need to do now and that is to bounce back. They’ve suffered two losses before and they’ve managed to come right back and win decisively. Thus you can expect these 5 guys to train even harder. They’re now motivated so much more because of these 2 close losses.
A lot of ESEA-Invite teams made roster changes prior or during the season, do you think the competitive level of the league is affected by those unstable rosters? What will be the goal for UMX this season?
There’s been a few teams that have changed up their players but for the most part teams like EG, Backfire, Area 51, DINCNESS, Revolution Sports, yadlla have all kept majority, or in some cases all, of their players intact. Much like them UMX.US is in it for the long haul. We’ll be suffered a few blows and setbacks but it’s these hits we take for us to keep pushing and moving forward. This is how a true team grows and prospers through adversity. So the 5 players that you see are the ones you’ll be seeing a year from now.
What are some of the domestic teams that you think will give UMX some tough time once the playoffs begins?
Anything less than 1st will be a dissapointment no matter what. I can’t speak for other teams but this is what UMX.US believes. It’ll be a hard road for the guys but, you know, they really wouldn’t have it any other way. Stable and experienced teams such as Backfire and DINCNESS will really give the team some trouble and of course there’s EG. At the end of the day, however, UMX.US will treat every team equally. None of these guys go into any match thinking one is better or worse than the other.
Since UMX is sponsored by ZOWIE GEARS, do all the players switch their equipment? What do they think of their new gears so far?
I know majority of the community will always take an answer to a question like this with a grain of salt but to be 100% pure and honest all of the guys have switched to ZOWIE GEAR and have sincerely made a smooth transition and are comfortable with it. All players use the EC-1 or the EC-2 as they’ve previously used either the 3.0 or Deathadder which the ZOWIE mice most resemble. Plus, going from their $5 keyboards to the CELERITAS has been a world of a difference for them. There’s truly been no complaints apart from perhaps a few nitpicky things.
The UMX organization already house two squads with one in Taiwan and now one in the U.S, will we see a few more coming in the near future?
Ultimax Gaming certainly plans on growing and establishing itself as a major organization and an important brand within the electronic sports industry. I cannot speak directly about our private plans at this time however.
what is UMX’s plan internationally? Will they attend international tournaments around the globe later this year?
Speaking for UMX.US specifically we have a set plan and have concrete goals. First and foremost we will be working daily to establish ourselves as the #1 American team. From there we will certainly attend international events as we have the proper support to do so. One step at a time!
any last words to the fans in China?
Personally, I think the Chinese e-sports fans and teams are some of the most passionate out there. When I see teams like Tyloo at events those players are constantly screaming and yelling their lungs out and it’s amazing to see. Plus, when any top player from any part of the world visits China they are swarmed by Chinese fans from the Grubby vs Sky rivalry or when Team 3D toured all over China for a promotional tour. Thanks very much for your support of electronic sports.
On behalf of UMX.US we want to thank ZOWIE GEAR for their support. Please visit us at http://UMX-Gaming.com/usa and thank you very much.
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期待他们的首秀! :smile:
似乎是中国通, 很了解中国玩家.
看好umx这支队伍, 的确牢靠的友谊会让一支队伍更融洽才能更有战斗力. 无坚不摧!